walk beside Jesus
Children’s & Youth ministries
Cornerstone UMC is committed to showing children God’s love and grace through age appropriate lessons that help children apply the teachings of Jesus in their lives.
At our youth ministry, you don’t have to worry about who, what, or where you come from. Come as you are and come on out and join us, we’d love to get to know you!
We believe everyone can make a difference, even our littlest disciples!
Children’s Ministry Sunday Celebration
K– Knowing God and God’s Word
I– Involving in Friends and Fellowship
D– Developing Leaders and Gifts
S– Serving in Church and Community
Sunday Celebration
At Cornerstone, we believe that families should celebrate Sunday morning service and worship time together! We know that children learn from their families, and from their larger church family, so we encourage you to allow your children to be present with you in church. We know that can be messy, noisy, and filled with the physical energy and movement that children experience – and that’s ok! We welcome it! We also have a PRAYground in the sanctuary that provides a space for children to actively listen while they color, draw, and do other things that help keep their minds engaged during service.
During our 10 am Sunday service, all children are invited to gather in the front for the “Children’s Moment”. This happens after the gospel reading, which is usually about 10:20 am. All preschool through elementary age children can leave the worship service for Godly Play when they are comfortable doing so. In addition, a class for 3 to 6-year-olds is provided for the entire service. 1st-5th graders will be dismissed for class after Children’s Moment.
Godly Play is a way of guiding children through Bible stories. This way of guiding helps children to realize that God is inviting us into, and pursuing us in the midst of, scripture and through spiritual experience. Godly Play teaches us to listen for God and to make authentic and creative responses to God’s call in our lives. The format of Godly Play includes arts and crafts, games, and mirrors a worship service:
- Welcome, building a circle and lighting the Christ Candle
- Story time based in scripture
- Wondering time
- Quiet and creative response time
After Godly Play, they join the rest of the congregation for communion (children celebrate, too) and benediction (blessing) at the end of service.
Nursery is open on Sundays during the 10am worship service. Infants through 2-year-olds are welcome to come to the nursery!
Serve in Church
Children have the chance to serve in our Sunday morning services! Whether they want to read scripture, serve as an Acolyte, serve communion, or provide special music – being a part of the service is a great opportunity to further develop them into young disciples.
If you would like more information about Cornerstone Kids, please contact Dominique Nash at cskidsinmotion@yahoo.com or 239-877-3256.
You can also find us on
Cornerstone engage Student Ministries
Engage is our student ministry for middle and high school students who are in 6th through 12th grade.
We are…messy… beautiful… loving… caring… fun… accepting… and sometimes a little crazy… that’s us. We are a family. We love everyone, welcome ALL people, and all are invited to join us as they explore their own faith walk and where it takes them… No matter what baggage anyone has. Everyone has a story. Everyone has a purpose. Everyone is loved by God. And everyone is welcome at engage.
Core Ministry Focus
At engage we focus on the following 3 things each month:
- Service – Once a month we have a Service Sunday in which we serve the community, environment, church, person, etc. and share in the great joy of serving others as set forth in Christ’s example
- Discipleship – Twice a month we have a Devo & Discipleship Sunday that focuses on helping the youth grow in their personal faith walk and grow into a relationship of love with God and ALL people. We do this through study of God’s word, discussions about topics facing teenagers today, prayer time, and we end the meeting with a meal or snack around the table.
- Fellowship – Once a month we have a Fun & Fellowship Sunday in which we have a fun event or outing that allows us to grow in relationships with each other and get to know each other better. These relationship building events provide a great setting for youth to get to know each other.
Meeting Times
We meet in the morning and afternoon every Sunday @ The Bay at the following times:
- engage Bible Brew Coffee & Devo – Sunday Mornings from 9:00 am – 10:00 am
- engage Youth Group Meeting – Sunday Afternoons from 4:00 pm – 6:15 pm
Please note that on our Service Sundays & Fun & Fellowship Sundays meeting times may differ.
If you would like any more information on the engage Student Ministries at Cornerstone, please contact Aaron Thayer, Youth Director at the Church Office at (239) 361-7114 ext. 1400 or email him at athayer81@gmail.com.
Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN)
Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN) is committed to intersectional justice across and beyond the United Methodist connection, working for the full participation of all LGBTQ+ people throughout the life and leadership of the Church. – We envision a transformed church that ensures justice, equity, and dignity for all of God’s children in their diverse intersecting identities.
Members of our RMN team:
- Attend a Cornerstone tent at the annual ‘Naples Pride’ event.
- Facilitate book studies and discussions relevant to RMN activities.
- Pursue opportunities to integrate with a local ‘Pride’ organization.
- Encourage volunteer opportunities at our worship services and throughout the community.
- Welcome any new members to Cornerstone.
Cornerstone RMN Contacts:
- Jeffrey Chiles at chilesjeffrey@gmail.com
- Judy Montgomery at judithlee323@gmail.com
Stephen Ministry are the After People
About Us
We are a not-for-profit Christian education organization founded in 1975 that produces training and resources known for their excellence, practicality, psychological integrity, and theological depth. These resources cover topics such as: caring ministry, assertive relating, spiritual gifts discovery, grief support, and spiritual growth.
Five of our Cornerstone members are Stephen Ministry Leaders — including Lisa Medanic, Ruth Stirling, Arthur & Janet Smith, and Eric Sivertsen.
We offer a proven and effective way to organize and supervise a team of congregation members called Stephen Ministry to provide high quality, one-to-one, Christ-centered care to people in the congregation and the community experiencing life difficulties.
For more information, contact Lisa at lisamedanic@comcast.net